Friday, November 12, 2010

Soul Kitchen - March 2003 - Women's History Month

Every year in March I dedicated my show to celebrating Women's History Month. I would do one episode that exclusively featured female artists and one girl group episode. I'll have to dig one or two of those up. For now, I've found one in which I heavily feature women.

Actually, I very deliberately chose to play half women and half men on a regular basis. Up until that time, it seemed that 90% of vintage soul played on the radio was music by men. In fact, I found it very difficult to even purchase music by women. This was one of the challenges I faced in our pre-internet download society. Record labels readily reissued recordings by male soul artists but good luck finding stuff by women (other than a handful of vocalists). It's gotten a lot better in the past 5 years but it's still not great.

This particular episode was aired in the early days of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I have to post this in sections because I don't know any other way to do it. Sorry.
Also I apparently had a cold when doing this episode. Sorry again.